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Reports until 15:51, Wednesday 02 May 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2746)
HAM ISI Assembly Work

HAMISI #5 Mechanical Checks & Measurements

(corey, eric, hugo, jim)

Dial Indicators were re-installed.  We conducted many of the range of motion checks for Hugo.  Jim re-balanced the table as well.  Not able to get S/Ns for Horizontal Actuators, but since we don't have "real" GS13s in this assembly, we'll get the S/Ns when we pull out these "tester" gs13s.

HAMISI #6 Stiffener Complete

(corey, eric)

We assembled the Stiffener.  It is all torqued down, and we checked for any gaps with a 0.002" shim (we looked good).  Tomorrow we will install the Support Posts and can move the Stage-0 assembly on to the Test Stand.

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