Reports until 08:07, Thursday 03 May 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:07, Thursday 03 May 2012 (2753)
This report is a synopsis of the ICC in BSC3 up to this point: alogging has not been a priority while I'm on travel. 

30 April 2012
The west door was removed using the engine hoist (that had been flown into the "Beer Garden". The crew went and retrieved  a couple of foil glove packets that we (Cheryl and I ) left in BSC2 while we were working on the optics extract. (Note to self: DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS IN CHAMBER!!!!). The condition of the chamber was documented and pictures taken, dust covers installed, and support tubes were inspected, plucked, and wrapped. 

01 May 2012
The Collar and Upper sections were brushed along with 3 of the 4 nozzles.  Three drills were used to "death" with the fourth one still running. 

02 May 2012
Today the crew:
1. Finished brushing the upper chamber
2. Removed part of the flooring to begin work on the lower chamber and
3. Cleaned up loose bristles on floor.
Progress was a little slow because Mark L. was in morning conference call about the proposed wipe-down of BSC8 prior to close-up and then buttoning up early to attend safety meeting at 3.

Five drills were used today with the 4th and 5th ones still running (5th one was drill with flat brush to get around the fins).