Reports until 18:08, Tuesday 08 May 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:08, Tuesday 08 May 2012 - last comment - 21:41, Tuesday 08 May 2012(2787)
Green QPD trans-impedance amplifier box story

This was apparently asked for several times but was never produced. Thing is, at some stage we thought that we needed a trans-impedance amplifier box without whitening, otherwise the green QPD would rail too much at least during the initial alignment process.

Since no such thing was manufactured, after consulting with Rich, we decided to modify one of the two boxes we have.

We took the red QPD box out, opened and disable the whitening by "removing" 200 Ohm R1 resistor (D1001974) from all 8 channels. The resistors are actually still on the board but rotated  by 180 degrees so it is soldered on only one pad, and the other pad is on top of the empty area. When we want to put them back it would be easy.

After this we just swapped the red and green QPD box, i.e. the green QPD box is without whitening, red QPD is still with whitening.

Comments related to this report
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 21:41, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2791)

a picture of the QPD box we modified (S1102811)

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