Reports until 21:53, Tuesday 08 May 2012
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:53, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2793)
h2iscey model updates, new OAT medm screen.

h2iscey model updates

I have overhauled the h2iscey model to better conform to the ultimately desired ISC channel naming convention.  The top level was broken into two sub-blocks, ASC_EY and ALS_EY.  The ASC subblock has the two TR QPDs (A and B).  The ALS block has the two ALS QPDs and the two ALS WFSs, as well as the control paths to the suspension actuators.

I also updated the QPD library part to include a limitter for the sum normalization path, and I updated the WFS library part to use the QPD part for it's DC path.

h2iscey was rebuilt, installed, and restarted, and the DAQ was restarted to incorporate the new channel names.

QPD MEDM screen

I made a new medm screen for the QPD library part (see below).

The filters for the individual segments are on the left, followed by the segment matrix, filter module links for the PIT, YAW and SUM, and indicators for the SUM level and an X/Y plot for the PIT/YAW.

OAT MEDM screen

I made a very simple medm screen for the OAT/h2iscey model.  It has links for all the various elements currently in the h2iscey model except for the WFS RF components (we still need to make a screen for that).  It needs a lot of work, but it's something to start with.

In particular, it provides links for the ISC-ALS_EY_QPD_{A,B} and ISC_ASC_EY_TR_{A,B} QPD screens.

Images attached to this report