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Reports until 15:17, Monday 27 June 2016
evan.goetz@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:17, Monday 27 June 2016 (27983)

Evan G., Darkhan T.

Foton filter coefficients have been updated for Y-end calibrated Pcal TX and RX outputs and X-end calibrated Pcal TX output. X-end RX output is unchanged because it is still affected by a clipping issue. Until the clipping is fixed, the X-end RX PD channel currently has an incorrect calibration. Our plan is to fix this before O2.

Several end station Pcal calibrations have been made since the last update for the N/V foton coefficients. The general formula for this coefficient is: N/V = 1/[ TX/WS x WS/GS x GS ] x 2 x cos(theta)/c

We compute below the new coefficients.

From the trend of calibrations (T1500131-v4) made since Aug 2015 to May 2016, the mean value of the ratios for TX and RX to WS accounting for optical efficiency losses is:
  TX/WS = -2.7619 V/V
  RX/WS = -3.9891 V/V

From the trend of calibrations (T1500129-v7) made since Aug 2015 to May 2016, the mean value of the ratios for TX to WS (not corrected for optical efficiency losses) is:
   TX/WS = -3.154688 V/V
Using the only reliable optical efficiency we have, D20150804 in T1500129-v7:
   e = 0.982588
Computing the TX/WS ratio accounting for the optical efficiency is:
   TX/WS = 2/(1+0.982588) * -3.154688 = -3.1824 V/V

Working Standard:
Using the trend of working standard calibrations (T1500054-v41), the WS to GS ratio is:
   WS1/GS = 0.926745 V/V

Gold standard:
Using the two calibrations from NIST on Aug 12, 2014, and Dec, 17, 2015 (T1500036), the mean value of the GS responsivity is:
   GS = -1.7000 V/W

The power to force coefficient is 2*cos(theta)/c, where theta is the angle of incidence and c is the speed of light. From L1600019-v1, the mean of cos(theta) is 0.9884

Final results:
   Y-end TX = 1.515e-9 N/V
   Y-end RX = 1.049e-9 N/V
   X-end TX = 1.315e-9 N/V

These new values have been loaded into Foton and updated the EPICS records

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