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Reports until 15:01, Wednesday 09 May 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:01, Wednesday 09 May 2012 (2803)
HAM3 Septum Blank Installed
The west door was removed from HAM3 and held on the forklift boom while the following activities took place: pre-work wipe of chamber floor (which showed the expected black oxide), septum blank install, and fit check/install of modified HAM spacers. (*Note: The septum blank and spacers were NOT torqued down.) The door was returned to the chamber and the bolts were torqued and tightened. HAM3 should be ready for pumpdown. The cleanroom will be moved to HAM1 tomorrow so that the ion pump can be installed.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.