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Reports until 09:35, Thursday 10 May 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:35, Thursday 10 May 2012 (2808)
HAM ISI #6 Assembly Work For Wed.

(corey, eric, jim)


All the walls were torqued, 60deg Brackets installed, and Flexure Posts installed.  A shim was used to check for any gaps.  Lockers were installed under Stage1. 

Stage1 on Stage0

Stage1 was craned on to Stage0.  Lockers were torqued down on to Stage0.

Springs & Optics Table

Flexures were built and Springs were pulled down (with Spring Safety hardware in place). 

The Optics Table was inspected for any loose tangs or tangs which needed to be removed.


Next up:  Installing the Optics Table

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