I have measured the transfer functions of the newly installed whitening chassis (alog 28010, ECR:E1600192, SN:S1101627) for the OMC DCPDs. I used LISO for fitting the data.
[1st stage for DCPD A]
Best parameter estimates:
pole0:f = 18.6776675365k +- 10.45 (0.0559%)
pole1:f = 14.3409807014k +- 6.292 (0.0439%)
pole2:f = 98.9444053052k +- 32.86 (0.0332%)
pole3:f = 10.3243596197 +- 359.4u (0.00348%)
zero0:f = 985.3423393170m +- 79.51u (0.00807%)
factor = 998.8350760502m +- 67.01u (0.00671%)
Final chi^2=0.00252952
[2nd stage for DCPD B]
Best parameter estimates:
pole0:f = 18.5698573085k +- 14.71 (0.0792%)
pole1:f = 14.6043378758k +- 9.31 (0.0637%)
pole2:f = 100.4496012696k +- 43.14 (0.0429%) > MAX
pole3:f = 10.0731025960 +- 470.5u (0.00467%)
zero0:f = 961.4535554217m +- 104.7u (0.0109%)
factor = 997.7425128879m +- 90.38u (0.00906%)
Final chi^2=0.00454374
[Small notes]
I have also measured the same transfer functions with a 4 times smaller excitation signal in order to check some sort of saturation-induced measurement error. I did not quantitatively look at these data, but plotting them on top of the above data showed excellent agreement (to my eyes).
[SVN info]
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