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Reports until 22:11, Thursday 30 June 2016
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:11, Thursday 30 June 2016 - last comment - 13:18, Tuesday 05 July 2016(28107)
Baseline Calibration Measurements for ER9 Complete!
J. Kissel, J. Driggers, T. Shaffer, D. Tuyenbayev, E. Goetz, K. Izumi

Over two ~1-2 hour lock stretches, I've managed to get the measurements needed for a baseline calibration update for ER9. Complete success! We'll work on the data analysis tomorrow, but I list the locations where all measurements have been committed to the CAL repo below. 

Of particular notes for the configuration of the IFO while doing these measurements:
- The OMC DCPDs have *no* stages of whitening employed. We've decreed that given the unknown success rate of PI damping over the next few days, it's more robust to leave the whitening off. We're not gaining too much in the high frequency end of the sensitivity anyways.
- All suspensions, including ETMY, have had their PUM stage switched to "Acq ON, LP OFF," i.e. state 2, or the highest range (i.e. not low noise). After some digging, Jenne found this was changed for some reason about a month ago, and maybe a setting that got lost in the power outage or something. 
I don't think either of these seemingly detrimental configurations are all that bad for ER9, given the bigger sensitivity issues elsewere.

Also note, in order to break the correlations we've found in O1 data between measurements of Actuation Stage Strength (see e.g. LHO aLOG 28096), I've taken an independent PCAL2DARM sweep for every isolation stage.

Measurements needed for Sensing Function:
    Exported as:


Measurements needed for Actuation Function:





Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:53, Friday 01 July 2016 (28123)
J. Kissel, E. Goetz

Just to post a status report before I disappear for the 4th, Evan and I have used Evan's new infrastructure to produce a model of the DARM open loop gain and sensing function from the above measurement. As one can see, there's still some work to do cleaning up the systematics in the model, but we're close. 

There're several things that are immediately evident:
- We have not changed the model's optical gain value from O1, so it's not terribly surprising that the optical gain model is high by 20%. 
- There is total and obvious detuning. So much so, that I think this is what's causing the severe drop in open loop gain.
- The drop in open loop gain is pretty nasty -- it causes sharp gain peaking at 10 Hz (as shown by the screenshot of the DTT template).

Kiwamu's working on a fitting routine that is similar to Evan's MCMC results from O1 (see T1500553), but advancing those results to include the effects of detuning so that we can add this to the model.

Stay tuned! Lots of work to do before Wednesday!
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evan.goetz@LIGO.ORG - 17:19, Friday 01 July 2016 (28130)

Evan G., Jeff K.

I processed the suspension actuation coefficients for the L1, L2, and L3 stages using the preliminary DARM model based on the one used during O1. We know that there need to be some modifications made, but the take home message here is that the actuation coefficients are about as to be expected. All are within ~5% of their O1 values. See attached figures.

The first attachment shows the UIM stage actuation coefficient. We have not yet included the BOSEM inductance and we have not yet included any actuator dynamics, so there is remaining discrepancy above ~20 Hz. There also appears to be some sort of phase wrapping issue that we still need to sort out.

The second attachment shows the PUM stage actuation coefficient. Things look pretty good here, although there may be some fluctuating optical gain which we have not yet accounted for in the measurement.

The third attachment shows the TST stage actuation coefficient. Again, there may be some fluctuating optical gain not accounted for in the measurement, and there is a phase wrapping issue to be sorted out.

Next on the agenda is to sort out the above issues and establish the actuation coefficients for the ER9 run.

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evan.goetz@LIGO.ORG - 13:18, Tuesday 05 July 2016 (28157)

The sensing function attached above includes uncompensated high frequency poles from the whitening chassis and the transimpedence amplifier, so there will be some delay assocated with these values.

To see only the optical response, we have removed these high frequency poles, as well as the analog AA and digital AA transfer functions, in the attached data file.

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