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Reports until 16:13, Thursday 10 May 2012
benno.willke@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Thursday 10 May 2012 (2820)
PSL rtcds loop back test

Summary: We performed a loop-back test of the PSL channels (DAC-> AIfilter -> LVEA_rack via field cable(purple) -> AA filter -> ADC. All channels are ok in terms of transmission and cross coupling. The first PMC ADC chanel (ADC0) has a factor of 100 higher input noise than all other channels.

Details: A 100 Hz sine wave is generated on one DAC channel and send via the AI filters and the field cables to the LVEA rack. Here it is connected to a different field cable representing and send back via the AA filter module to an ADC. The 100Hz is demodulated in software and its amplitude recovered. This measurement is done for all connected channels to determine the transmission of the connected channels and the cross coupling to the neighboring channels. The resuls are plotted in a matirx (see below).

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