H2 SUS ITMY M0 & R0 transfer functions for the night of 05/10/2012. Initial analysis of the results look very promising for a BSC 8 chamber close-out. Final decision for a door-close on BSC 8 from the SUS team to follow.
While hunting for the source of the rubbing leading up to these measurements, it was found that the OSEM cabling leaving the top of the top mass had sagged and was contacting the tablecloth. I pulled some of the slack out of this cable through the clamp on the upper structure reducing the possibility of it rubbing in the future. Also, during this work, it was noted that the M0 BOSEMs were showing a lot of cross coupling between DOFs. I recentered all of the top BOSEMs on the main chain, and Garcia confirmed that this seemed to have reduced the coupling.