J. Garcia, J. Kissel After seeing the recent good results from H2 SUS ITMY (further log comparing with previous measurements pending from Garcia, upon which we can "approve" the SUS for close out assuming no other mechanical changes), I asked the question: where did we leave off H2 SUS FMY? After not finding any recent aLOGs, but recalling that measurements were taken, I scoured the SusSVN and found two unprocessed data sets taken on 2012-05-01 and 2012-05-02. The results comparing these data with previous data show (assuming that no other changes have been made to it since those dates) that H2 SUS FMY is still rubbing. The 2012-05-01 data set looks identical to the 2012-03-14, post-fiber break initial check out measurement, which shows the rubbing, and the 2012-05-02 data set appears to have suffered from some sort of data corruption and or watchdog trip.