The assembly validation testing report for HAM-ISI Unit #5 is posted under the DCC for validation.
Reports regading the previous units tested/validated (Phase I) at LHO are also available on the DCC:
HAM-ISI Unit #1
HAM-ISI Unit #2
HAM-ISI Unit #3
HAM-ISI Unit #4
This report was validated today. However..
This unit was tested with non-production horizontal GS13s on. We just received a crate of production horizontal GS13s that were just tested and work.
We decided to install the production pods we just received on this Unit. All the tests involving GS13s will be redone. If no pod fails during/after installation, this unit will be our second unit after Unit#4 (HAM2) to be equiped with a full set of production pods, offering us another occasion to reduce the time needed for the chamber-side testing.