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Reports until 09:48, Monday 14 May 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:48, Monday 14 May 2012 - last comment - 10:01, Monday 14 May 2012(2840)
TMS alignment, everything is good enough.

Both the main beam path as well as the HWS path was aligned. Though the centering on each optics is not necessarily perfect, everything is far from clipping and I call it good enough.

Picomotors for the green injection were swapped with modified units to prevent the "stop ring"s on the tip of picomotors from interfering with Siskiyou mounts. To be exact, one spare pair was modified and replaced the one on the TMS table. Another pair that was on the TMS table was pulled out, modified and put in place.

We originally modified two spares, but have found that one modified picomotor was broken. This is the one which was on the table in the EY lab, and it's not clear to me if the modification broke it or if it was already broken.

Anyway, the injection picos work flawlessly now. We haven't done this modification to the red picos.

The returning beams look ugly, and it's difficult to say what is responsible for what. A part of it should be the ugly beam injected (we'll look into it later). But it's also possible that a part of it is coming from not-that-perfect TMS telescope alignment, i.e. the TMS telescope might be tilted in relation to ETM and we're compensating for the tilt using the alignment of the ALS table. This is not a big deal for the one arm test, though, and is good enough for start injecting green beam to the arm. We won't delay the installation because of this. (But we need to analyze the injected beam as well as the returning beams, which can be done without going into the chamber.)

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 09:50, Monday 14 May 2012 (2841)

Picomotor modification picture: https://ligoimages.mit.edu/filestore/1/9/3/2/0_bd6d89c33a325dd/19320scr_3faebab47e425a5.jpg?v=2012-05-10+21%3A24%3A09

Left is stock, right is after modification. We modified both in the end.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:01, Monday 14 May 2012 (2842)

BTW, we needed to tilt the TMS in PIT for some non-negligible amount. So much for initial alignment under the test end.

We had to move 50-gram weight because the OSEM offset didn't do it. After finer alignment, 50-gram weight is positioned to relieve the OSEM offset in PIT.

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