Reports until 16:31, Monday 14 May 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Monday 14 May 2012 - last comment - 11:41, Friday 25 May 2012(2848)
BSC6 To-Do list before closing up
Following is the list of items that need to be completed (in roughly the order below) before we can close this chamber.  Some of the items have been finished and are still on the list as markers for redlining the installation procedure.  Please add a comment if I have missed any steps

1) Electrical grounding checks - DONE
2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE
3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE
4) TMS alignment - DONE
5) ESD continuity check
6) Clamp ETMy EQ stops
7) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR
8) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.
9) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)
10) TMS OSEM alignment
11) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position
12) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)
13) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616
14a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)
14b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)
15) Repeat step 14 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues.  Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely. 
16) TMS alignment check if needed
17) Lock down flooring nuts if loose
18) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256
19) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed
20) Remove TM line stops
21) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps
22) Set witness plates
23) Remove all tools
Shut the doors.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:07, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2873)

The good news is we're working down the list.  The bad news is, I added a few more items to the list.  Edited to reflect actual order:


1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.

18) TMS alignment check if needed

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 15:21, Thursday 17 May 2012 (2889)

Update to closeout checklist:

1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.  DONE

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)  IN PROCESS

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)  DONE (PenRe has be relocked due to flag repair) Also, 1/4-20 x 3/4" vented screws installed for sleeve (these were overlooked in the making of this list).

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.

18) TMS alignment check if needed

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 11:41, Friday 25 May 2012 (2952)

Update to closeout checklist:

1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.  DONE

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)  DONE

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position DONE, AS MUCH AS IT CAN BE

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)  DONE (PenRe has be relocked due to flag repair) Also, 1/4-20 x 3/4" vented screws installed for sleeve (these were overlooked in the making of this list).  DONE

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616  DONE

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)  DONE

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)  DONE

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.  DONE (PENDING FINAL SET OF TFS TODAY)

18) TMS alignment check if needed  IN PROCESS

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256  DONE

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.