Reports until 10:11, Tuesday 15 May 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:11, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2861)
I prepared FTIR and tape sampling material and went into BSC1 via HAM4->BSC2. I took two FTIR samples (S1-upper left, to JPL, S2-upper right, to Alltia) and one tape sample (lower left) from the elliptical baffle. Next, I removed OSEMs and the elliptical baffle. The OSEMS are in a foil envelope in the staging cleanroom and the elliptical baffle and tape sample are in the OSB Optics lab on a flow bench with the BSC3 EB and the tape sample.

Mark L. and Chris H. got dust barriers ready and started installing them as soon as I got out. They will block off BSC1, BSC3, and HAM3. They are now on a hunt for the 4th solid dust barrier so that we can close off the new output mode cleaner tube. 

Mark D., Slim, Mick, Eddie, and Scott started removing view ports, etc from the HAM4 south door and staging for dome removal. They will continue working toward SEI stack de-install this afternoon.