nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:10, Monday 01 August 2016 - last comment - 15:04, Thursday 08 September 2016(28794)
TCS measurement pending
Kiwamu, Nutsinee
A code is scheduled to run at 9 pm tonight. The code will power up CO2 to 1.3W and power it back down to 0W after 6 hours. Please do not touch ITM optics.
Comments related to this report
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - 17:57, Monday 01 August 2016 (28797)
One thing that I forgot to mention is that I make the power step down half way and stayed there for an hour before going to 0W. As you can see from the timeseries.
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 15:04, Thursday 08 September 2016 (29549)
Every time when we restart the HWS code for ITMY, the code sets the MAGNIFICATION value back to default of 17.5 and this had been annoying. So instead of manually changing the value for every restart, I made a hack so that when the code is executed for ITMY, it automatically changes MAGNIFICATION to 7.5, 60 seconds after the execution of the command. This was done by editing the alias setting in ~/.bashrc. Now the alias for Run_HWS_H1ITMY is written as follow.
alias Run_HWS_H1ITMY='/opt/HWS/Run_HWS_0/distrib/Run_HWS_0 & sleep 60; caput H1:TCS-ITMY_HWS_MAGNIFICATION 7.5'
I updated the HWSY centroids with low variance versions.
I also reset the HWSY magnification to 7.5x
controls@h1hwsmsr:~/temp/HWSY$ caput H1:TCS-ITMY_HWS_MAGNIFICATION 7.5
Here is the time series for the CO2 heating from last night. Analysis to follow but rough numbers are as follows.
There are two measurements per ITM of the lensing: when CO2 is turned on and again when CO2 is turned off. Hence:
One thing that I forgot to mention is that I make the power step down half way and stayed there for an hour before going to 0W. As you can see from the timeseries.
Every time when we restart the HWS code for ITMY, the code sets the MAGNIFICATION value back to default of 17.5 and this had been annoying. So instead of manually changing the value for every restart, I made a hack so that when the code is executed for ITMY, it automatically changes MAGNIFICATION to 7.5, 60 seconds after the execution of the command. This was done by editing the alias setting in ~/.bashrc. Now the alias for Run_HWS_H1ITMY is written as follow.
alias Run_HWS_H1ITMY='/opt/HWS/Run_HWS_0/distrib/Run_HWS_0 & sleep 60; caput H1:TCS-ITMY_HWS_MAGNIFICATION 7.5'
This was tested once and was successful.