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Reports until 18:10, Tuesday 02 November 2010
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:10, Tuesday 02 November 2010 (288)
HEPI actuator testing begins
Eric A., Hugh R., Jim W., Jeff G.

This afternoon we began flushing out our first HEPI actuator on the HEPI test stand.  The procedure is to "bleed" the actuator valves with HEPI fluid for ~24hrs (and rid them of air), then actual testing can begin.  Jim W., Hugh, and Eric modified our side plate that diverts flow into the valves with very good results.  The new plate barely leaks fluid (minor oozing of fluid after ~30min).  

First pic is the actuator/hose set-up after we began flushing.  Second pic is the modified side plate.  The idea is to have the triangle-shaped O-ring encompass the three holes at the vertices.  

Fluid is currently flowing at ~62 psi.
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