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Reports until 16:04, Thursday 17 May 2012
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Thursday 17 May 2012 (2890)
Summary of SUS work at BSC6 today

See Betsy's closeout checklist  for the latest updates.  https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=2848

Since Betsy was working with Derek on Triples gluing stuff, I was on my own for much of the day.  I rediscovered that working on a monolithic Quad is rarely a one-person job, especially in chamber with TMS as its neighbor.  I began by attempting to remove the TFE caps that were on many of the spherical tip and silica tip EQ stops.  After cautiously removing as many as I could confidently do by myself, I was left with 4 caps on the underside of the top masses that were inaccessible by me solo due to limited access from the reaction side of the Quad.  These 4 caps require that someone with skinnier arms than mine reach through the Quad between the top and UI masses to grip the TFE cap from the inside while simultaneously working the screw from the outside to thread the cap off.  With a few spare minutes, Betsy helped me remove these last 4 caps.  Even with 2 people, we found this activity less than relaxing.  Note for future builds: Remove these caps before the monolithic is installed (since the majority of the clamping/unclamping is done by that point, the particulate issues these hoped to resolve is less of a concern). 

After the caps were removed, we noticed that one of the flags on the penultimate mass was dislodged from its steel disc baseplate, and that the magnet on the end of it was not seated correctly.  Betsy returned to her work with Derek, so I was on my own again.  To remedy this required the removal of the AOSEM opposite the flag in question in order to grasp the flag.  However, grasping the flag to remove/realign it is not trivial either.  This requires the use of a set of 10" long tweezers which must be inserted through the AOSEM hole (~1" diameter) in the PenRe to gingerly grab the assembly so as not to drop either of the 2mm x 6mm magnets of either end.  Again, due to access issues to the reaction side, I could not see the flag from this side.  To complete this simple task, 2 people will also be required: one to manipulate the tweezers and one to view/guide from the main chain side by looking through the penultimate mass, which luckily is transparent glass.  After bumping my head for the third time attempting the solo version of this task, I decided to move on (Note to TMS designers: much much larger chamfers on parts would be greatly appreciated).  I then installed the last of the sleeve screws that had been in use at BSC8 until recently.   Currently, the Quad is not fully suspended due to the PenRe being locked until the flag repair is complete. 

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