Reports until 12:03, Tuesday 22 May 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:03, Tuesday 22 May 2012 (2912)
BSC6 ETMy SEI HEPI Status/Position
For the record--will report the current position of the HEPI relative to the position after we first installed the Actuators on May 3 & 4.  Likewise this is after latest OK from Initial Alignment before the Actuator install.

We see a tilt about the horizontal line running from SE to NW of less than 100urads & similar magnitude CW rotation about the vertical axis.

The largest absolute motions are +0.1mm vertical on the SE corner and 0.2mm south motion on the SE corner.  All other shifts are smaller and 3 of the 10 readings are zero.