Reports until 14:27, Tuesday 22 May 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:27, Tuesday 22 May 2012 (2913)
BSC6 TMS Viewport: Beam position and features.
TMS crew went into BSC6 to look at the viewports.  What was found was a significant misalignment in pitch, which is preventing the retro-reflection and HWS beams from making it through the table and out the viewport.

The two viewports on the South door look so much better, after the recleaning!


First picture shows where the TMS beam is entering the vacuum system through the viewport.  This beam is misaligned on the TMS table in pitch, and diagnosis of the cause is ongoing today, so realignment/fixes will take place tomorrow.

Second picture shows a defect in the viewport, on the outside surface, that may be an issue for the Hartmann Sensor - will know more after TMS fixes.

The third picture shows the TMS beam close up, going through the viewport, and shows that there are point features, but no scratches or defects where the beam is going through the viewport, today.  The viewport looks good in this region, so I think it's unlikely that an issues will arise from alignment, which will move the beam on the viewport.

Fourth picture shows a feature of the viewport that's near the edge.  It might be helped with cleaning, but no threat to TMS/HWS beams, so not worth the risk to try to mitigate.

Pictures 5 is of the other viewport (BSC6 South Door, East Viewport).  There are a number of features that are visible, but already cleaned with freon, so likely in coating or a surface feature, and relatively small.

Picture number 6 shows a close up of the TMS beam on the inside surface of the viewport.  Point features are visible.
Images attached to this report