Reports until 17:28, Wednesday 23 May 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:28, Wednesday 23 May 2012 (2933)
DAQ change to freeze configuation
I tested on H1 DAQ and then released it on H2 DAQ. Some DAQ restarts were necessary between 16:00 and 17:00 today.

New data concentrator startup code takes the current set of INI and PAR files and puts them into a location removed from the RCG modification area. All DAQ components (concentrator, frame writers and NDS) have been reconfigured to use the saved configuration set and not the default area. Now if a frame writer or nds is restarted after an INI PAR file change, they run with the saved configuration and not with the latest configuration, maintaining configuration sync between all DAQ systems.

Code change to /etc/init.d/daqd_dc0 on h1dc0 and h2dc0


	# Copy INI and PAR files to a secure location and create a master file which references them
	# This will permit restarts to frame writers and nds machines against the channel configuration
	# at the time of the data concentrator start, and prevent modified INI and PAR files from being used.
	# D.Barker 23May2012

	# INI and PAR files copied into a directory named by the current date-time
	# a symlink called running is pointed to the latest directory
	DATETIME='date +%d%m%y_%H:%M:%S'
	#echo "${DATETIME}"
	mkdir ${daqdir}/${DATETIME}
	rm -rf ${daqdir}/running
	ln -s ${daqdir}/${DATETIME} ${daqdir}/running
	for f in 'grep "^/opt" /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1dc0/master'
	#echo $f
	cp $f ${daqdir}/${DATETIME}

	# create new master file referencing this running configuration
	for f in ${daqdir}/running/*
	echo $f >> ${daqdir}/running/master
	# End of INI-PAR copy change. DB.

And the change to daqdrc file in all DAQ systems (h1 system shown):

set master_config="/opt/rtcds/lho/h1/daq/running/master";