Reports until 18:11, Wednesday 23 May 2012
LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:11, Wednesday 23 May 2012 (2934)
Wednesday Ops Log
- Leak test at HAM1, HAM2
- Still pumping y-beam manifold
- SUS testing at EY, many alarms, watchdogs tripped all day
- ALS working with IAS at EY
- Ops: Meeting with PSL at 1pm tomorrow (Thursday)
- PSL: crew working late (past 6:00pm so far)
- Apollo - ICC, installing panel for Ski, backflow preventor for LDAS room
- ICC upper section of BSC2, cleaned about ring, moved flooring, half chamber bottom
- OpLev: Thomas aligning the OpLev beam on ITMY
- CDS: rebooted h1daq
- MichaelR replacing laser safety signs across the site
- Ongoing discussions about viewport acceptance and installation
- Temperature setpoint raised from 67-70F in LSB lab areas
- Aidan coming next week and wants laser hazard in some areas
- OSB doors locked at 4:15pm
- Heavy rain in the evening