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Reports until 16:11, Thursday 24 May 2012
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2945)
Debugging the ETMy YAW repositioning issues mentioned below
Doug, Jason, Travis,Mark,Hugh and ISI team
The the previous days alignment was made with the control damping off when the yaw was corrected using HEPI. When we first set up this morning to correct the pitch angle the yaw value was ~100 urads CW and when we switch the damping on at the same time that Travis made an adjustment to correct pitch we noticed a jump in the yaw value to ~300 urad. Subsequent pitch adjustments did not effect the ~300 urad yaw pointing and it remained at ~300 urads. Our first thoughts were that when we turned the damping on today we induced a yaw drive due to some offset value. This wasn't the case. Mark Barton and I looked at the OSEM  trends and could easily identify the pitch adjustment steps and the yaw trends were pretty much flatlined showing only very minor changes.

The dial indicators on the ISI  and digital read outs suggest that no ISI/HEPI movement took place during the pitch adjustments.  

Rechecking the Brunson optical square, total station pointing and laser collimator showed to be consistent with the previous days position and setup. We checked this several times today as well.

It seems like something shifted with the SUS possibly or something we missed with the alignment hardware.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.