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Reports until 01:49, Friday 02 September 2016
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:49, Friday 02 September 2016 - last comment - 16:31, Friday 02 September 2016(29457)
New IFO alignment - seems good so far

[Sheila, Jenne, Kiwamu, Terra]

We have reset the initial alignment offsets, including realigning several paths on ISCT1, to match the alignment that we liked from yesterday (alog 29430).  So far, we think that it's good.  We have powered up part way twice since, and the power recycling gain no longer drops very much!  It still drops a bit, so we could consider going a bit farther, but this is probably plenty good to move on and focus entirely on low noise efforts.  Now at 40W it is something like 31, rather than something in the mid/low twenties.  Plots coming tomorrow.

In order to do this, we did the following (hardware alignment changes noted in bold):

Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 16:31, Friday 02 September 2016 (29458)

1st screenshot:  powering up from 2 watts to 32 Watts without loosing recycling gain.  The POP18 build up still drops, but AS90 is much more stable than with previous alignments.  According to the POP/IM4 monitor, this is a recycling gain of over 32 at 32 Watts, calculated from the arm transmissions it is a recycling gain of 34.4

2nd screenshot: Slider values for new alignment.

3rd screenshot: Modification to CSOFT pit filter to add phase and gain around 0.4 Hz, the frequency of the dPdtheta instabilty.  On the right side of that screenshot is a measurement of the loop, taken with the digital gain set to 0.1.  The nominal gain used for the references was a factor of 5 higher and we have now restored the loop to that gain.  We can probably get more supression of the instability out of this loop.

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kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 16:28, Friday 02 September 2016 (29472)

Apart from the recycling gain, we seem to see a slight improvement in the beam shape at the dark port after the PR2 move. The below are camera images of the AS port a few days ago and today, respectively

A concentric circle pattern (with circle pattern's center at around x,y = 350,270) became dimmer. Note that the old image was taken about 17 min. after the interferometer had reached 50 W, while the latest image was taken a few minutes after a 50 W lock. Also, the third attachment shows a comparison of the horizontal beam profile around the center in which the latest picture shows less significant features.

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