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Reports until 17:02, Tuesday 29 May 2012
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:02, Tuesday 29 May 2012 (2973)
First Contact effects on optic pitch
Jason, Travis and Doug,
Jason measured the ETMy pitch just prior to the First Contact removal from the H2 ETMy optic.
the pitch was 629urads down (req is 639 urads down)

After the first Contact was removed it change to 379 urads down (a change of 250urads)

This is near what was predicted for a 1.74g weight First Contact coating.

Note: This was not accounted for on the H2 ITMy or measured.

We should possibly measure this for each optic or compensate for it in the calculations as we will also be adding additional weight with the new plan for using First Contact which will remain in place until just before we close up.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.