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Reports until 18:14, Tuesday 29 May 2012
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:14, Tuesday 29 May 2012 (2976)

Last week, the L4C gain of the pier modules were increased from 22 to 333. The transfer functions measured over the week end showed that this new gain is appropriate. No saturations on the L4Cs during the measurements.
I will start to work on controllers for the HEPI pretty soon.

This morning, I fixed the isi2stagemaster.mdl and recompiled ISI-BSC6 and ISI-BSC8 due to an error mentioned in a previous aLOG.
I installed the new aLIGO BSC-ISI matrices freshly computed. I posted them in the SVN at /BSC-ISI/Common/Basis_Change_BSC_ISI/aLIGO/Matrices/Y/aLIGO_BSC_ISI_Matrices_Direction_Y.mat
I installed using one measurement:
- Symmetrization filters (actuators, geophones)
- Damping filters (stage 1 and 2)
- Blend filters (basic filters with a blend at 750mHz).
- Isolation filters. I haven't spent time on tuning. The goal is just to make sure the scripts and the model are ready. (UUG=15Hz, comfortable gain and phase margin).

I have attached spectra of the ISI undamped and controlled:

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