Reports until 14:48, Wednesday 30 May 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:48, Wednesday 30 May 2012 (2983)
HAM ISI: #5 In Can, #6 CPS, #7 Optics Table De-tanged

(corey, eric, greg, hugh,  jim w, mitch)


Last couple of days, we have prepped this ISI to put it in a box.  This afternoon, this ISI should be canned for your enjoyment.


Not much going on with this assembly since we are waiting for hardware for the Actuators and CP Sensors.  I installed the CPS Sensor Heads on their mounting hardware (the mini-racks are on floor under the ISI).


Optics Table has been de-tanged & now removing broken tangs.  Stage-0 can be put on Assembly Stand as soon as #5 is boxed.

Images attached to this report