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Reports until 14:56, Thursday 31 May 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:56, Thursday 31 May 2012 (2996)
BSC6 H2 ETMY Ring Heater had some issues, which are now resolved:
- Cheryl, Travis

The ring heater in BSC6 was installed on the quad with the correct screws, but with nuts instead of the nut blocks SUS made for the installation.  This caused an issue when trying to close the RH around the ETM because one screw would not loosen, so would not allow one end of the lower segment of the RH to close.

The solution was to modify a wrench, to maneuver between the main and reaction chains, to hold the nut while adjusting the screw and moving the RH into place.

The modified wrench worked well, and allowed us to loosen and tighten the screws as needed to set the alignment of the RH. 

The upper RH segment is aligned to the scribe marks, and the lower RH segment is aligned to the upper segment.  Uncharacteristically, I did not bring a camera, so there are no pictures of the screws and scribe lines on the upper segment.

One of the flathead screws was loose on the upper RH segment.  This is odd, and a little disturbing, because we had this issue before installation on the quad, and chalked it up to an oversight, then made doubly sure all the flat head screws were installed correctly.  That means that either we (me, GregG, ThomasV, back in December 2011) missed one again, OR the screw is somehow backing itself out.

I tightened the flathead screw, and the feel of the screw was comparable to the feel of the screw when I assembled the RH, so all indications are that Macor threads holding the flathead screw are OK.  A picture of the exact screw I worked on, before it was tightened, and before the RH was closed, is attached.

Images attached to this report
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