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Reports until 13:33, Tuesday 27 September 2016
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:33, Tuesday 27 September 2016 - last comment - 13:42, Tuesday 27 September 2016(30010)
IM pitch and yaw alignment slider gains are reversed

In alog 29940 I measured the change in alignment slider counts vs optic alignment change (on OSEMs) for all IO IMs.

I calculated and proposed new gains for the IM alignment sliders, however, today I noticed that the ratio of the current gains yaw/pitch is alomost exactly equal to my proposed gain ratio of pitch/yaw.

  pitch yaw ratio
current 0.212 0.388 yaw/pitch = 1.83
proposed 0.089 0.049 pitch/yaw = 1.82

This is evidence that the current gains are reversed from what was intended.

Below I show that swapping the current pitch and yaw gains gives a more consistant value for urad / slider count of about 0.045, instead of the current situation where the urad / slider count in yaw is 3x pitch.  I also correct the gains to make the urad / slider count consistant and 0.050.

current alignment slider gains and urad / slider count

  gain urad / slider count
IM1 pitch slider gain - current 0.212 0.023
IM1 yaw slider gain - current 0.388 0.085

current alignment slider gains - swapped

gain urad / slider count
IM1 pitch slider gain - current 0.212 0.023
IM1 yaw slider gain - current 0.388 0.085
  gain urad / slider count
IM1 pitch slider gain - current yaw gain 0.388 0.046
IM1 yaw slider gain - current pitch gain 0.212 0.045

alignment slider gains corrected to give 0.050 urad / slider count

  gain urad / slider count
IM1 pitch slider gain - corrected 0.459 0.050
IM1 yaw slider gain - corrected 0.230 0.050
Comments related to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 13:42, Tuesday 27 September 2016 (30011)IOO

This is how the alignment slider values would change on all IMs, if new alignment sliders gains were adopted.

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