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Reports until 11:21, Friday 05 November 2010
dani.atkinson@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:21, Friday 05 November 2010 (302)
East Bay Lab Walls in Place
Corey and I set up the temporary walls that will isolate the first phase of squeezer work being done in what I've tentatively named the East Bay Lab (EBL), to distinguish it from the squeezer setup that will move out of it after a few months. This area near HAM6 will potentially be used for ALS work after the squeezers are done with it.

There is no operating laser currently behind the walls, so it's okay to walk back there without laser glasses. When we get to the stage where it becomes a laser hazard, the area will be properly marked, and a work permit and notification e-mail sent out. At that time access will be restricted to those trained on the squeezer setup.

Note that the walls are not solid and are supported by tent-like poles. It's possible to knock them over by hitting them. Since they're all connected to each other, this can bring down the whole setup. We're looking at securing them to the floor, but in the meantime please be careful.
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