Reports until 17:44, Monday 04 June 2012
H1 SEI - posted 17:44, Monday 04 June 2012 (3028)
HAM2 - Actuator Ground Check

Hugh, Hugo,

LLO observed grounding issues with actuators on HAM-ISIs (see LLO aLog #2890) . Actuator cables have their shielding covered by a fairly large mesh. If the cable is pinched against a wall, or set in tight contact with a CPS sheild (which is grounded to the ISI), the actuator gets grounded to the ISI.

We checked the grounding status of all actuators of HAM-ISI Unit #4 (HAM2 Chamber) by testing the continuity between the shielding pin of the actuator cable and the ISI. Even though most actuator cables are tied with CPS shields (picture 1), no actuator were grounded to the ISI on this unit.

We also noticed remains of aluminium bands at the connection between the actuator and its cable, that we removed. To do so, we had to open the door of Act-H1 (picture 2). This door still has to be torqued down with a torque wrench. It will be taken care of tomorrow.

Images attached to this report