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Reports until 16:57, Wednesday 06 June 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3052)
HAM2 ISI Installation Readied
We have all the lifting gear attached to the ISI and the Transport Rails positioned at the Chamber.  The Spacers are attached to the Support Tubes.  We will fly the ISI from the Diagonal to the South Bay in the morning and I expect to have the chamber all covered (I-Beams removed) by lunch.

We didn't have any trouble positioning/rolling the A-Frames.  We sealed up the chamber as best as possible with the rails in place--See photos:
DevilDog Ed shows how easy it is to move the A-frames (001).  Zack connects the back end of the Rail being steadied by Caleb to the Frame (005) followed by Ed securing the rail to the Middle Frame (006).  The Chamber is now ready for the ISI to be nested in between the rails before the Front Frame is connected up (008).  Meanwhile, MarkD confirms we are using Bumax bolts on the lifting pads while Scott double checks their location followed by precise torquing (004).  Randy ran the crew & crane.

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