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Reports until 22:53, Wednesday 06 June 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:53, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3055)
H1 CDS and DAQ moved to new timing master
In our investigation to prevent the new H1 front ends from killing the PSL data, we moved all the H1 systems over to the new timing master today. Previously only the new SUS and SEI front ends were clocked from the new master (via the fanout in the H1 EE room), the h1psl and the DAQ were being driven from the old H2 master. All systems were moved over this morning and restarted, which resulted in some downtime of the PSL. Unfortunately we can still regularly corrupt the PSL DAQ data when starting the other front ends, so the investigation continues. We also worked on configuring the H1 Dolphin network to be identical to the one at LLO.
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