Reports until 14:58, Thursday 07 June 2012
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:58, Thursday 07 June 2012 (3058)
PSL back in operation - AC power distribution near PSL racks is a MESS
After MichaelR's struggles with the PMC locking yesterday, I worked on things a bit today.

The laser tripped again, apparently due to a temporary loss of AC power.

The AC power distribution is a MESS.  Hopefully this will all be replaced soon.

Rodney wants to run the low-loss RF cables to the PSL rack tomorrow and I think the only reasonable thing to do is just shut down the PSL during that work. - the chances of not shutting down the laser again would be negligible, I think.

After today's outage, the HPO would not lock.  Eventually, I checked the phase that minimizes the error signal.  It was about 152 deg.  Thus 62 deg. looked better than the 42 deg. used earlier for the injection locking.  However, 242 deg. (62+180) was what was required to get the HPO locking again.

The Noise Eater servo was oscillating at around 800 kHz, so I disabled it at the NPRO power supply.

PMC locked right away.  I suspect that the HPO was the problem yesterday, or maybe the relaxation oscillation.

FSS is now proving a bit finicky; MichaelR is working on it from the control room.

The two Tektronix function generators appear to be properly locked to eachother - PMC/ISS unit displays "Ext Clock Ref" with input from the ILS/EOM unit.  However, it seems that we are having phase issues.

Hopefully switching to the aLIGO RF sources and delay units will be more stable.

We will leave the laser running overnight with at least the PMC locking.  The LRA has been enabled, as have the watchdogs.

We will shut down for Rodney's work in the morning.