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Reports until 17:40, Friday 05 November 2010
michael.landry@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:40, Friday 05 November 2010 (307)
HAM1 lockdown
(Corey, Patrick, Ski, Jodi, Kyle, Chris (Apollo), Mike)

We locked down HAM1 suspended optics MC1, MC3, SM, MMT1 and MMT3. In order to avoid moving IOT1 and ISTC1/acoustic enclosure, we first craned out the east door, locked MC1/MC3 and half of MMT3, replaced the door, craned out the west door, and locked the remaining MMT1, SM, and latter half of MMT3.

Corey has many more details, in particular from the East side:

This afternoon the crew went about clamping HAM1's optics....in a new way.  Generally, the IOT1 & ISCT1 meatlocker/table are moved out of the way and we install platforms to access the table.  This time we tried a new method:  keep everything in place, remove a HAM door (keep it out of the way and suspended from crane), work on HAM Table, re-install door, and then move to the other side of the chamber.

One thing we didn't plan was a platform to work on.  So reaching optics was certainly a pain. 

East Siiiide
Worked on this side first (MC1, MC3 & "half of MMT3").  The belly bar was installed one set of holes higher than normal, and to reach these optics I did have to step on the Crossbeams ( generally a no-no), but not much weight was on the Crossbeams because my belly was on the belly bar.

For MC1, I was able to visually confirm contact of all EQ stops tips on the mirror.  For MC3, there was no way I was going to be able to visually confirm contact of all Stops, but I think it's secure.

While on the East Side, I went ahead and contacted the four EQ stops to the chamfer (this is for MMT3).  I did this because this side of the Optic will be a stretch from the west side.
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