Reports until 16:38, Friday 21 October 2016
H1 SUS (DetChar, ISC, SEI, SUS)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Friday 21 October 2016 (30728)
Front-End Model Prep: ISIWIT Suspension Point Projections Removed from SUS models
J. Kissel, D. Barker, S. Aston
Work Permit 6263
Integration Issue: 1193
ECR E1600028

As a result of us now computing the suspension point projections in the SEI front-end models, we no longer need to waste Dolphin IPC connections or SUS computation cycles calculating these projections in the SUS front-end models. As such, with the help of updated library parts from LLO, I've removed the calculation from all SUS models. Thanks to all the hard work Stuart put in, all this required was a slow and steady update to the following library parts:
        *    14081   HLTS_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   BSFM_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   SIXOSEM_T_STAGE_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   TMTS_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   QUAD_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   QUAD_ITM_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   SIXOSEM_F_STAGE_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   MC_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   OMCS_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   HSSS_MASTER.mdl
        *    14081   HSTS_MASTER.mdl
and shifting all top-level connections to these library parts up to recover from the missing input ports. Note, I did have to make my own modifications to the 
M            14081   RC_MASTER.mdl
part, in the same fashion as the HSTS and MC master parts. Not too bad, and this *wasn't* done at LLO, because none of their triple suspensions have the increased drive range (see E1400369).

I've test compiled all of the following top-level models that have been changed:
M       h1susetmy.mdl
M       h1susetmx.mdl
M       h1susitmx.mdl
M       h1susitmy.mdl
M       h1sushtts.mdl
M       h1susprm.mdl
M       h1sussrm.mdl
M       h1suspr2.mdl
M       h1suspr3.mdl
M       h1susbs.mdl
M       h1sussr2.mdl
M       h1sussr3.mdl
M       h1susomc.mdl
M       h1susmc1.mdl
M       h1susmc2.mdl
M       h1susmc3.mdl
M       h1sustmsx.mdl
M       h1sustmsy.mdl
M       h1susim.mdl

and have committed them to the userapps repo. These model changes will not be installed until next Tuesday.