Reports until 17:48, Friday 05 November 2010
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:48, Friday 05 November 2010 (308)
Lockdown of HAM1 optics
(Chris, Corey, Jodi, Kyle, Mike L, Patrick, Ski)

This afternoon the crew went about clamping HAM1's a new way.  Generally, the IOT1 & ISCT1 meatlocker/table are moved out of the way and we install platforms to access the table.  This time we tried a new method:  keep everything in place, remove a HAM door (keep it out of the way and suspended from crane), work on HAM Table, re-install door, and then move to the other side of the chamber.

One thing we didn't plan was a platform to work on.  So reaching optics was certainly a pain. 

East Side
Worked on this side first (MC1, MC3 & "half of MMT3").  The belly bar was installed one set of holes higher than normal, and to reach these optics I did have to step on the Crossbeams ( generally a no-no), but not much weight was on the Crossbeams because my belly was on the belly bar.

For MC1, I was able to visually confirm contact of all EQ stops tips on the mirror.  For MC3, there was no way I was going to be able to visually confirm contact of all Stops, but I think it's secure.

While on the East Side, I went ahead and contacted the four EQ stops to the chamfer (this is for MMT3).  I did this because this side of the Optic will be a stretch from the west side.

West Side
I locked down MMT1 and the west side of MMT3, Mike locked down SM1.

On MMT3 I had good visual confirmation of contact on the west side and the east front bottom. The east front bottom needed further clamping from what Corey had already done, as I probably moved it with the other stops. I could not see the contact on the remaining three on the east side and did not touch them.

On MMT1 I used a 1/4" 20 Allen wrench to turn the front top and bottom east side stops through the baffle. I did not move the bottom west side, as I could not see the tip. These are viton tipped. I moved the back two springed stops by hand and confirmed that the optic was secure by pulling and releasing on the edge of the baffle.

I stole the cable from the dust monitor at location 8, and connected a dust monitor sitting in the cleanroom between HAM1 and the 4k PSL. I set its location to 8. For a while it was running outside of the cleanroom, but was inside before the doors came off. It should be trendable.