J. Kissel Integration Issue 6463 ECR: E1600316 WP: 6263 P. Fritschel, S. Aston, and I have revamped the SUS channel list that is stored in the frames in order to (1) Reduce the overall channel frame rate in light of the new scheme of storing only one science frame (no commissioning frames), and (2) because the list was an un-organized hodge podge of inconsistent ideas of what to store from over 6 years of ideas. The new channel list (and the rationale for each channel and its rate) can be found in T1600432, and will not change throughout O2. I've spend the day modifying front-end models such that they all conform to this new model. This impacts *every* SUS model, and we'll install the changes tomorrow (including the removal of ISIWIT channels, prepped on Friday; LHO aLOG 30728). For the SUS models used in any control system, the channel list was changed in the respective suspension type's library part, Sending BSFM_MASTER.mdl Sending HLTS_MASTER.mdl Sending HSSS_MASTER.mdl Sending HSTS_MASTER.mdl Sending MC_MASTER.mdl Sending OMCS_MASTER.mdl Sending QUAD_ITM_MASTER.mdl Sending QUAD_MASTER.mdl Sending RC_MASTER.mdl Sending TMTS_MASTER.mdl Transmitting file data .......... Committed revision 14509. and commited to the user apps repo. For monitor models, the changes are done on the secondary level, but that layer is not made of library parts, so they have to be individually changed per suspension. These models, Sending models/h1susauxb123.mdl Sending models/h1susauxex.mdl Sending models/h1susauxey.mdl Sending models/h1susauxh2.mdl Sending models/h1susauxh34.mdl Sending models/h1susauxh56.mdl Transmitting file data ...... Committed revision 14508. are also no committed to the userapps repo. We're ready for a rowdy maintenance day tomorrow -- hold on to your butts!
note that to permt sus-aux channels to be acquired at 4kHz, the models h1susauxh2, h1susauxh34 and h1susauxh56 will be modified from 2K models to 4K models as part of tomorrow's work.