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Reports until 16:03, Wednesday 13 June 2012
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Wednesday 13 June 2012 (3119)
ALS PLL locked but with very small range
Daniel, Alberto

Today we switched the connection of ALS PZT input from the slow output the Common Mode Servo board from the slow to the fast output. In this way we managed to lock the ALS PLL for a very short time: at best we could keep it locked for few seconds.
For lack of enough dynamic range in the servo, the PZT was not able to make up for even modest laser frequency drifts.
During the locked time we measured the OLG. The UGF was at about 8kHz.

We locked the PLL with the common mode board settings of the slow-control interface as below:
-32 dB GAIN IN1
(Total gain -47dB)
Slow/temperature control slide: -0.006

To solve the problem we should now try to setup the slow temperature control loop.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.