Reports until 15:41, Thursday 14 June 2012
LHO General
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:41, Thursday 14 June 2012 (3136)
New practices for better garb cleanliness
As you know, we are transitioning to a new garb laundry vendor, Prudential Cleanroom Services. Prudential's protocols call for footwear that comes in contact with the floor to be washed separately from other garb. In our case, that means shoe covers and boots. To facilitate this practice, I will be placing appropriately marked bins in the change/garbing rooms tomorrow. In addition, Prudential has agreed to process our in-chamber boots separate from all other footwear and garb. To facilitate this practice, I will be placing appropriately marked bins in applicable situations tomorrow. To keep in-chamber boots as clean as possible, please remove them at the door upon exiting a chamber.  DO NOT WALK ON THE FLOOR when wearing in-chamber boots.