Reports until 12:58, Wednesday 09 November 2016
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:58, Wednesday 09 November 2016 (31371)
Failed Second attempt at ER10 Calibration Reference Measurements
J. Kissel

(Belated entry from last night)

During last night's ~1hr lock stretch over 02:00-03:00 UTC, I've continued a second round of tuning on the actuation side of the reference transfer functions for speed while retaining SNR. I was only able to make it through the lower two stages (L2 and L3, or PUM and TST) of H1SUSETMY before the IFO began having problems LHO aLOG 31345, but those series of 4 templates (to PCAL2DARMs and two iEXC2DARMs) can now be run in under 20 minutes.

The frequency vectors go from 5 Hz to 1.2 kHz for all stages -- the lower limit defined by the inability for the PCAL to drive above the noise to any lower frequency, and the upper limit defined by the integration time and actuation strength of the QUAD. Note, we want to go out to ~1 kHz not because the actuator plays and important role in the DARM loop up there, but to better nail down and delays that have been otherwise constantly confusing (see e.g. LHO aLOG 29259). I've also increased the density of points above 100 Hz, in order to improve the fidelity of future fits.

The new data live here:
Again, note that the L1 template has in complete data, and I was not able to get a corresponding PCAL2DARM transfer function. Will try again one more time this week -- hopefully we can find the problems impacting our duty cycle so this isn't a burden.