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Reports until 19:17, Friday 11 November 2016
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:17, Friday 11 November 2016 - last comment - 05:04, Wednesday 16 November 2016(31427)
First look at the actuation functions; not too crazy

Related logs, 31303, 31371, 31403

Jeff, Kiwamu,

We have copied the actuator function plotting script from LLO and adopted for LHO. The code seems to run fine. It resides at


The attached are the resulting pdf showing the three sets of measurements that Jeff took in the past few days. I did not do fittin yet. Below are several notes

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darkhan.tuyenbayev@LIGO.ORG - 05:04, Wednesday 16 November 2016 (31530)CAL

Jeff K, Darkhan T,

Modified Kiwamu's script to save the measured actuation transfer functions - which will be used to fit the actuation function parameters (currently written in Python). The results include TFs from Nov 07, 08, 10 and 12. The Nov 12 measurements were added to the previously reported three sets (see LHO alog 31433).

The script also saves the [N/ct] actuation coefficients into a separate set of *.txt files (frequency independent), this can simplify fitting a single parameter - actuation strength for each of the stages.

The clean transfer function *.txt files were uploaded to CalSVN at (files with postscript N2ct have [N/ct] gain values):


The script that generated the txt files was placed here:


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