Reports until 02:00, Saturday 12 November 2016
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:00, Saturday 12 November 2016 - last comment - 15:51, Tuesday 15 November 2016(31433)
Third Round of ER10 Calibration Measurements Complete -- Now at 30 W IFO Input Power
J. Kissel

Getting one more round of calibration reference measurements for ER10/O2. The decision was made to run ER10 / O2 at 30 [W] (as opposed to the 25 [W] we'd been running all week), so I've made sure to get another round of transfer functions. 

In addition I've made a bunch more probing measurements of the L1 / UIM stage above 100 Hz, so that we can create an empirical model of the UIM actuator expanding on what was done in LHO aLOG 24917. Again, here, it's not that the UIM plays a big role in the response function at these frequencies, it's that the deviations at high frequency limit our ability to obtain a clean estimate of the actuation strength. Templates all listed below, analysis will come later.

Sensing Function Data:
We may take a few more of these, just because the IFO input power has changed. Yes, a 25 [W] to 30 [W] is a small change in optical gain, but we want to be sure if detuning comes into play by 30 [W], and also if the cavity pole changes. I've also been told to expect further DC alignment changes before the weekend's out which may also play a role in these kinds of sensing function parameter changes.

Actuation Function Data:
This should complete the three suites of measurements we usually do for the actuators. Given the preliminary analysis from Kiwamu (LHO aLOG 31427), I don't see a need for more data here.

Also, I gathered some undisturbed time in between the sensing function measurements and actuation function measurements between 2016-11-12 06:08 UTC and 06:30 UTC so these can be used to convert / compare back against 25 [W] lock stretches. Maybe. Recall the previous two attempts at these measurements to bordered by lock losses caused by the OAF computer crashing, so there may not be a lot of time then against which to compare.

Detailed High-frequency L1/ UIM Actuation Function Data:
The *not* labeled SweptSine are broad band injections. The idea is to export the data, filter it by coherence (0.95 should be good enough) and then take the ratio. The broad band TFs are better for characterizing the resonances. The hope is we can stitch all of these data sets together to form one sweeping meta-transfer function that completely maps out the UIM, in detail, out to ~500 Hz. 
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 15:51, Tuesday 15 November 2016 (31510)
I add a few details relevant to the optical plant regarding the lock stretch in which the sensing function measurements were taken:
SRC1 loops (P&Y) are ON
Input Power Mean: 29.5 [W]
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