Reports until 11:44, Tuesday 19 June 2012
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:44, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3157)
PR2 (HSTS) triple test stand set-up and Phase 1b M1-M1 transfer funtions
[Stuart A, Jeff B, Betsy B, Deepak K, Andres R]

Prior to taking transfer functions on the PR2 (HSTS) suspension, it was necessary to configure the the digital system and triple test stand. PR2 requires the x1sushxts27 model be running, which had not yet been set-up on the LHO triple test stand. 

The x1sushxts05 model was shut down, using "killx1sushxts05", the other model started with "startx1sushxts27" and the framebuilder restarted (in future I need to adapt LLO scripts to automate this). The OSEM input filters, DAMP filters, COIL output filters, OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices had to be configured for M1, M2 and M3 of a HSTS.

Thankfully, Betsy was able to route the PR2 harness whist the above was taking place. BOSEMs and AOSEMs could then be connected up, and following some minor cabling shenanigans, signal appeared on the correct channels.

Open-light measurements were made for the BOSEMs on M1, and the AOSEMs on M2 and M3. AOSEM open-light counts initially ranged from 15k to 30k, with a few units under 25k. However, after tweaking the alignment of the IRLED boards, it was possible to improve all open-lights counts to over 24k. All OSEM gains and offsets were calculated from the open-light values, allowing BOSEMs on M1 to be aligned. n.b. AOSEMs would be aligned later and were left backed-off, all the way back, for transfer functions to be run overnight.

Sensor and actuator signs were checked and damping loops closed. 

M1-M1 transfer functions were taken overnight for each degree of freedom, with damping loops OFF. n.b. the suspension was not yet covered by a canopy (see 2012-06-18_1800_X1SUSPR2_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf).

These transfer functions obtained can also be compared to other HSTS suspensions previously measured on test-stands at LLO and LHO (see allhstss_2012-06-19_AllHSTS_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf). The TFs demonstrate good agreement with the model and the spread of all HSTS measurements obtained thus far.  

A BURT snapshot has been taken of the functioning environment "20120618_x1sushxts27_PR2.snap", which has been stored in the following directory:-

All of the above data, plots, scripts, and snapshots have been committed to the SUS svn as of this entry.

To be able to complete Phase 1b testing, I had hoped to be able to take power spectra today for M1, M2 and M3. However, Jeff B informed me that he had found that a magnet had become detached from the M2 mass. Rectifying (re-attaching) this magnet is now the assembly teams top priority, and it is hoped that I should still be able to take power spectra before I leave LHO at the end of the week. 
Non-image files attached to this report