Reports until 10:48, Friday 18 November 2016
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:48, Friday 18 November 2016 (31599)
last night's alog

I meant to post this last night, will update soon.

Sheila, Keita, Jenne

A more complete alog will be coming, but this afternoon we once again measured the sensing matrix for refl WFS.  THen we attempted to increase the recycling gain by changing SOFT pitch offsets (not very effective) and using the PR3 spot move (equivalent to change POP A offsets).  We were able to increase the recycling gain from about 30.25 to around 31 by moving PR3 spot position.  As we did this, the jitter peaks changed, with the peaks around 300Hz become better, the 260 Hz peak that we can tune away with IMC DOF1P offsets getting worse, and perhaps the broad lump coming back somewhat.  (I think that we have moved back towards the alignment where the lump was a problem, but will check latter).  

Moving the spot position on PR3 using yaw was more effective at increasing the power recycling gain (we approached 32), and I didn't see a change in the noise while doing this.  

Since the noise was worse after these changes, I took them all out.  If I get a chance latter, I would try moving yaw and not pitch to see if we can get some more recycling gain without making the nosie worse.