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Reports until 11:26, Tuesday 19 June 2012
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:26, Tuesday 19 June 2012 (3166)
Y-end RGA scan, ion pump voltage change
Y-end has been pumped by only IP11 and CP7 (Turbo valved-out) for ~24 hours now -> Took scan ye061912 (attached) -> compare to ye061812 which was taken when pumped only be Turbo. Note that the RGA filament was energized for only 1 hour prior to taking ye061812 which may explain the apparent increase in hydrocarbons from the initial scan, ye061112.

Also, decoupled aux. turbo cart from GV18 annulus and changed IP11 HV from 5000V (as found) to 7000V (Vmax setting at controller was 5000V -> should be 7000V.  Nominal STEP Voltage thresholds are > 1x10-7 torr = 7000V, 1x10-8 torr < pressure < 1x10-7 torr = 5000V and < 1x10-8 torr = 3000V.  IP11 now indicated as "RED" on vacuum MEDM screens as a result -> I think that the CDS values to convert i/v to "pressure" are left over from "old-style" ion pump controller and need to be corrected for current model controller.  
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