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Reports until 18:47, Thursday 21 June 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:47, Thursday 21 June 2012 - last comment - 15:05, Friday 22 June 2012(3213)
ITM-08 (LLO ITM) Ears bonded successfully this week

On behalf of Gerardo and Danny:

Both ears were silicate bonded to the LLO ITM (ITM-08) this week.  The mass has been stowed back in it's cake tin and await shipment out to LLO. 

Comments related to this report
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 15:05, Friday 22 June 2012 (3233)

(GMoreno, DSellers, BBland, GMorenoJr.)

ITM08 ears were bonded succesfully, ears with SN 59 and SN 64 were used.

SN 59 was used for side S3, and SN 64 for side S4.

After setting the mass on the base of cake tin, a full inspection of ears and mass was performed, no problems found.

Attached are photos of ears on ITM08.  Also a photo of the mass as I was putting it away in its cake tin, ready for shipping.

Images attached to this comment
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