Reports until 14:30, Wednesday 27 June 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Wednesday 27 June 2012 - last comment - 14:46, Wednesday 27 June 2012(3279)
H2 SUS I/ETMY TOP Stage Motion Plots
M. Evans, P. Fritschel, J. Kissel ... I think even R. Weiss (call it the B Team)

In order to make some more quantitative statements about how much the test masses are moving, given that The A Team suggests that the test masses are "wobbling too much at about 1Hz," preventing cavity flashes, the B Team took some spectra of the top stage of each of the QUADs. Attached at the results.

There was some discussion that the excess motion was primarily in YAW, but the attached measurements (taken at 2012-06-27 2:00 UTC, which is late at night at LHO when no one was working) show that the most motion is in Pitch. That being said, there are times when Yaw is the larger motion -- we took an ETMY spectra (which we didn't capture because we were so freaked out by it) that we believed to be over today's local lunch time, and saw much more yaw, with resonances at almost exactly 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 Hz. We figured it was some sort of excitation; either an active measurement or outside-of-chamber excitations.

The RMS Pitch motion for both test masses at this time is roughly 0.5-0.7 microradians at 2012-06-27 2:00 UTC.

Remember, this is a measure of the motion at the TOP mass, and NOT a direct measure of test mass motion...

We can't yet make any further statements about the *source* of this excess motion (i.e. why is Pitch so much larger than Yaw). Stay tuned.

The xmls (of the same name) can be found here:
SusSVN = /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/;

The calibration used for each of the channels is the same (thanks to dividing the rotation degrees of freedom by the lever arm, which is encoded into the OSEM2EUL matrix):

calibration = 1 / (BOSEM sensitivity [A/m] * SatAmp Transimpedance [V/A] * ADC calibration [ct/V])
            = 1 / (65e-3 [A/m] * 240e3 [V/A] * 2^16/40 [ct/V]) 
            = 3.9e-8 [m/ct]
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 14:46, Wednesday 27 June 2012 (3280)

Huge YAW motion just before lunch today should be due to the excitation made for HWS commissioning.