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Reports until 11:49, Friday 29 June 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:49, Friday 29 June 2012 (3310)
HAM3 ISI Elevation/Level Check--Not Bad
JimW & Hugh

The 'locked' (w/ lockers) level of the Optical Table was measured with the Optical Auto Level.  The table is level to 0.7mm p-p.  We also assessed the LIGO global elevation and the Optical Table average is 1mm below design height.  This all may sound sloppy but given that the system was leveled using the exterior of the Support Tubes, we then connected those to the new HEPI Crossbeams, and then placed 8000 lbs on them.  So I for one, am very happy that the optical table is now where it is.

Next we'll float the system on HEPI and adjust the level and elevation.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.